We are all recovering from Launch Fest, an open house that was held at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) on September 13. According to estimates from our Public Affairs Office, 13,000 people came to see what GSFC is all about! Each of our projects were represented in some way:
- LRO had exhibits and displays outside of the white room, where the spacecraft was prominently on display
- Aura had banners and activities that discussed the role of uv radiation in the processes that control the stratospheric ozone hole
- SAM opened its doors to the Mars atmosphere simulation chamber and showed animations of the Mars Science Lab doing geochemistry on Mars
- LOLA displayed the engineering model of the instrument along with the heritage instruments MOLA and MLA (aboard MESSENGER), as well as animations of what data from LRO will look like
- New Horizons had animations of the spacecraft and science results from the Jupiter flyby