Saturday, September 15, 2007

Spreading the word

I have tried several strategies to bring people to "Adventures in Earth and Space". I post on Twitter when we update, and I have included the link in both my work and home email accounts as well as on facebook. Today Len Edgerly pointed me in a new direction with a post on twitter about Blog Rush, a widget to designed to promote blogs by subject area, based on traffic to a site. I'm going to give it a try. I would love to have others who are interested in earth and space science education find the site. So check out the "From the Blogsphere" box on this page to see other education-related blogs.


Len Edgerly said...

Steph, I'm glad you're trying this, too. I clicked on one of your Blogosphere box links, so that means somewhere there will be a link to your blog. I put my Blogosphere box at the top of my sidebar, which makes it easier to see if people are just surfing through quickly, not sure if that will make a difference. Good luck! I'll be curious to see if this works as a way to spread the word about our blogs.

Anonymous said...

Stephanie -- I like Blogtopsites as well. There aren't many in the science section yet, but that fact alone may help people find you!